About Me

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I am mom to three little blessings on earth - Cale, Addy, & Cash. Pre-kiddos, I was a Special Education teacher, but now I spend my days at home with my little ones. I hope to use this site as a journal- to document the day to day stuff we experience on this wild ride we call life :). I look forward to learning, sharing, reflecting, and GROWING. So pull up a chair and visit a while. Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped by. I'd love to check out your blog as well. Let the blogging begin :)! Ready or I go :)!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cale's 1st Day of 1st Grade

Yes, Addy is wearing fleece Dora pj's in July. This morning I was trying to pick my battles :).

Where in the world does time go? In ways, it is hard for me to remember life before Cale, but in other ways, it seems like time is passing by so quickly. Yesterday, was "open house"...the meet & greet to begin another school year. Cale was blessed to find out he has a wonderful teacher. He went to her class last year for reading, so he is already familiar with her personality and her classroom. That eased a lot of anxiety about the first day of school (yep, he gets his anxious side from me :)...)

This morning went great! Cale was out of bed just after 6. With his Spiderman book bag loaded with tons and tons of new school supplies, he humored me with a few pics :), and we headed out to school. He walked in all by need for mom to show him the way. After all, he is a big first grader now :).

At pickup, he jumped in the car with lots of stories to friends, a new schedule, a new treasure box full of "prizes" to earn :). Cale said his first day was "FANTASTIC!!!" Here's hoping this is just the first of many fantastic days to come.
Ready or not first Cale comes!!!

My "Big" 1st Grader
Showing off his "cool" Spiderman book bag

Too Big...Too Green...Life When You're Little Sure is Hard :)!

Cashy spent forever playing with this car. He just couldn't understand why he couldn't take a ride :)!
Addy is fascinated by KK & Pop's garden. She was so proud of her "green" tomato. She even sampled it- yuck :)!!!

Watching In 3-D

Saturday night was the Hannah Montana concert on the Disney Channel. Supposedly, parts of the show were in 3-D. I'm not sure if we are a tough audience or what, but we weren't too impressed with the "3D". However, we did have a great time taking turns sporting these snazzy glasses :)! They aren't the most attractive accessories, but we sure did have fun :)!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tomahawk Chop Anyone :)?

Cale at the Braves Game 7-20-08

Worn out!

Today Cale & Joel went to their first Braves game ever! The Braves played the Washington Nationals. Unfortunately, the Braves lost, but Cale & Joel still had a great time. Cale said his favorite part of the game was, "When they hit a home run!!!". Luckily, they took a few pictures so I could share in the fun. On the downside, neither did the tomahawk chop for me. Maybe next time :).

Gone Fishin' Part Two

I think it's the BIG ONE!!!
Very serious fishing partner :)
Cale wasn't too sure about worms and slime...
...and touching fish was on the "NO THANKS" list too :)!
Our own private port-a-potty (one day she will hate me for this)
White socks & shoes might have been a bad idea- lol :).

Another favorite pass time was collecting leaves & grass. She said she was going to make a hat...two points for creativity.

Addy & the "coconuts"

Gone Fishin'

Saturday we went to a fishing event just for kids. Cale & Addy had a great time. Addy caught several Bream, & Cale caught some Bream & Catfish.
Quotes of the day:
Cale after catching his huge Catfish... "Man, this is gonna make some good chicken nuggets!!!" :)
Addy after catching her first fish... "Why my fish keeps shaking her booty?"
Addy spent lots of time picking up pine cones after the "newness" of fishing wore off. She kept calling them coconuts :). Guess she's watched a little too much Dora!
Even more pics to come :)...

Addy the Book Worm & Pics at Publix

Whoo hoo! Library Day has come and gone once again. Addy finished listening to her first 20 books for the Summer Reading Program! She got twenty stickers for her chart and TWO prizes! I think she was most excited about putting the stickers on her by one by one... savoring each stick...finding just the right spot :). Then it was off to Publix to buy ice cream with KK. Addy and Cash were thrilled to be able to ride the special "car" buggy....simple pleasures in life, right :)?!? Cale thought he was too much of a big boy for that, but he did enjoy checking out all of the "cool" toys while we were browsing the ice cream. I was able to sneak in a few pics on the frozen aisle without any complaining, though Cale did hide behind the ice cream sandwiches- LOL :).