This pic (above) was taken by Cale :). Cash has a plastic spoon in his mouth. He has an obsession with plastic (toy) utensils- LOL :).
Me & my 3 littles...isn't funny how they act as if they've never smiled nor looked at a camera before as soon as it is picture time- LOL :)...
Celebrating "31"...never ever imagined I would be so blessed :)!
Me & my 3 littles...isn't funny how they act as if they've never smiled nor looked at a camera before as soon as it is picture time- LOL :)...
Celebrating "31"...never ever imagined I would be so blessed :)!
Well, not really :)... Before anyone has a panic attack singing the rest of the verses (no more baby carriages for this family- LOL :)...) it was much more like Mama & Daddy going out alone for Japanese food and then heading to a few stores for some kid-less shopping (and returning some online buys :)...). Saturday night was date night- the first in a year. Yes, I am serious A YEAR :). We had a great time, but it was very weird being without the kids for a few hours. No diapers to change, no arguments to break up, no sassiness to correct, no sippy cups to keep up with :)... My heart stopped only once in Kohls when I thought I'd lost my children for half of a second. I had briefly forgotten they were at my mom's (yes, I am a little crazy at times :)...)!
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