About Me

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I am mom to three little blessings on earth - Cale, Addy, & Cash. Pre-kiddos, I was a Special Education teacher, but now I spend my days at home with my little ones. I hope to use this site as a journal- to document the day to day stuff we experience on this wild ride we call life :). I look forward to learning, sharing, reflecting, and GROWING. So pull up a chair and visit a while. Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped by. I'd love to check out your blog as well. Let the blogging begin :)! Ready or I go :)!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Fantastic Food, Fishing, & Fireworks...what a great 4th!

After the parade, we went to a family cookout at my Uncle's. Seeing family was great, and the food was fantastic! The boys even managed to sneak in a few minutes of fishing :). We snuck in a short nap (well, most of you can see above Addy decided to play instead of sleep and her attitude was showing..) and then headed to see fireworks! We had a very full day of fun!

My brother, SIL, and the kids

Who knew a folding chair could cause so much trouble :)...
Ready for some fireworks...don't worry, we only allow Cashy to get supersized Cokes on special occasions- LOL- just kidding!
Addy was working the beads :)...

Cash loved watching the fireworks...
and watching us watch the fireworks :)!
Where's Mama :)?!?!