About Me

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I am mom to three little blessings on earth - Cale, Addy, & Cash. Pre-kiddos, I was a Special Education teacher, but now I spend my days at home with my little ones. I hope to use this site as a journal- to document the day to day stuff we experience on this wild ride we call life :). I look forward to learning, sharing, reflecting, and GROWING. So pull up a chair and visit a while. Please leave a comment to let me know you stopped by. I'd love to check out your blog as well. Let the blogging begin :)! Ready or I go :)!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Oh ________ (insert your favorite choice word here)....

So how many years of bad luck do you think this should bring? We've been in the midst of a slow bathroom remodel over the past few...well YEARS I guess- LOL :). I'd been debating replacing our bathroom mirror. Guess I got my not so subtle answer as to what to do today :). Can you believe the whole mirror fell completely off of the wall?!?! It sounded like a bomb went off. Totally random, I tell ya. Never ever a dull moment at this house :)!


Joanna said...

WOW! That is crazy! I kept staring at it like...her sink is on her wall...then I read it and had to laugh! I just can't imagine what I would have done..that is a huge mirror to just plop off the wall. You are right though...what a great day to make your mirror change! Glad no one got hurt and that it really wasnt a bomb!!

Awbrey said...

oh my goodness!!! what in the world!?? I am glad you guys are ok - what do you do with that??? Man, where do you even get a new mirror that big??? Geez, I am so sorry!!!

Talia said...

wow! I bet that scared the bajeezus out of you-- it would have me. I'm so glad no one was IN there when it happened. That could've been bad indeed.
But, like you said, at least you get to get that new mirror now. :)